Friday, August 16, 2019

US Entry Waiver Services

I want to quickly touch upon a very important topic. Everyone knows that Donald Trump is the POTUS and always seems to be in the news. They know that he has essentially told the world that he wants to build his wall and also wants a careful screening of people entering the USA. It does not matter if you are entering the USA from the Southern or Northern Border. He wants greater scrutiny although he seems to mostly talk about the Southern Border. I want to tell you that US Entry Waivers have become strict under Trump. They are not given away like candy and hence require more work to get a successful approval.

People need to understand that you are paying for a document that allows you to enter a foreign country. It should not be viewed as a McDonalds Happy Meal. Now I want to touch upon the cost for these waivers. Yes, you must pay the gov't fee of $585us and a fee to get your packet prepared. It is not about just filling out a form and getting approved. You have to essentially convince CBP that you deserve to get approved.

Some people know that they have to spend a great deal on their case. Others try to opt for the cheap Discount Waiver Companies and wonder why they got their US Entry Waiver denied. People need to understand that a lot of work goes into these packets We are U.S. Immigration Law Intelligence Analysts and specialize in resolving all border crossing issues. This blog is mostly for the people that think that they have the smaller offences and want a quick cheap fix. I want to tell them that they are running a big risk of denial if they try to cheap out. They also must understand that a lot of work has to be done to undo the mistakes created by cheap Discount Waiver Companies. Too many times people come in and I tell them that they could have qualified for the Lifetime Clearance but will no longer now since their case was improperly prepared.

People just be aware that you are holding your own future in your hands. Make sure that whomever you hire knows what they are doing. This is very important since CBP puts the burden on you to prove that you are either admissible, rehabilitated or deserve to get your US Entry waiver approved.

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